About Us

From its origins in foundational technology discovered at Duke University, we are a dedicated team of plant technology pioneers, creating powerful seed-based solutions to improve grower profitability and build resilience in the value chain.

The Founding Team: George Greene and Xinnian Dong pictured on the right.

Strategic Advisors

Adam Fisher


Kenneth Dallmier


Our Team Members

We are a dedicated team of plant technology pioneers, creating powerful sedd-based solutions to improve grower profitability and build resilience in the value chain. 

John Salmeron

Portfolio Lead

Tianyuan Chen

Senior Scientist

Ian Curtis

Transformation Scientist

Erica Pippen

Project Manager

Yetshaira Vazquez

Research Associate

Sierra Hanson

Undergraduate Intern

Our Collaborators & Stakeholders

Partner With Upstream BioTechnology

We are seeking: Partners for trait & crop development.
$3 MM seed round to fund 3 years of Research and Development.

Soybean field validation and initiate regulatory package

Deploy SwitchBlade in corn, citrus, and tomato

Solidify intellectual property position across crops



Corn production is threatened by a variety of fungal diseases each harvest. Current disease management relies on the heavy use of broad-spectrum fungicides. Pathogens have begun evolving resistance to these fungicides, reducing their efficacy. Switchblade is being developed in corn to deliver a durable broad-spectrum resistance alternative for growers. 


Huanglongbing (HLB) or Citrus Greening is the most devastating citrus diseases worldwide. Infection results in stunting of tree growth, loss of fruit quality and ultimately death. There are no current fungicide or genetic resistance traits to effectively control the spread of HLB. This bacterial disease has crippled Florida citrus production and is currently threatening California production. Switchblade is being developed in citrus to provide viable genetic solution to this crisis. 


Tomatoes are grown throughout the world as an essential staple of many cuisines. SwitchBlade is being developed in this crop to provided broad-spectrum resistance to the over 200 different diseases tomato is vulnerable to, including a variety of fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and virus. 


Soy rust is a devastating disease resulting in over a billion dollars in lost production each year. On the left, you see plants without effective resistance. On the right, the effective resistance of Switchblade soy plant. 



SwitchBlade Performance In Rice

Rice production is threatened by a wide variety of pathogens each year. The broad-spectrum resistance of SwitchBlade has demonstrated resistance to fungal blast (below), bacterial leaf streak, and bacterial blight – these are among the most devastating diseases in rice!

SwitchBlade Rice is resistant to major diseases. Left is the control plant and the right is SwitchBlade.